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Ag Force

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AgForce is a privately owned company formed to provide economic and agricultural risk consulting services, education, and training. AgForce is comprised of professionals with numerous years of experience in production agriculture, education, risk management, and contracting experience. AgForce focuses on a quality product that is of value to the end user. Key personnel with AgForce have used their skills and expertise, in production agriculture, education, risk management, insurance, and contracting experience, to work with agriculture producers, private companies, academic institutions, and government agencies across the United States on many different types of risk management tools and products.


Key Personnel

Dr. Kerry Shropshire, Vice-President of Research & Development

Dr. Shropshire has over 22 years of experience in supervising personnel and working with agriculture producers in the area of risk management, production agriculture, natural resource management, education, research, development, and evaluation. Dr. Shropshire has served as a Principal Investigator, Lead Researcher, Underwriter, and Research Analyst on past contracts and partnerships.

Dr. Shropshire has professional experience working with the following: small grains, grain sorghum, corn, cotton, soybeans, numerous fruit and nut crops, commercial vegetables, ornamental and landscape horticulture crop, pasture, rangeland, forage, hay, and mint. In addition to crop production experience Dr. Shropshire also has extensive experience working with livestock and animal production agriculture.


  • Ph.D., Rangeland Ecology and Management, Texas A&M University
  • M.S., Agriculture, Tarleton State University
  • B.S., Agricultural Education, Texas Tech University


Jason C. Schickedanz, Vice-President of Operations

Mr. Schickedanz has over 10 years of experience in agriculture production and over 5 years of experience in management and supervision. Mr. Schickedanz has served as a Project Director, Project Researcher, Project Manager, Actuarial Assistant, Lead Analyst, Financial Cost Analyst, and Research Analyst on past contracts and partnerships.

Mr. Schickedanz has professional and practical experience working with the following: wheat, grain sorghum, corn, pinto beans, sunflowers, soybeans, pasture, rangeland, forage, cabbage, mint, and apiculture. Mr. Schickedanz also has other various business experiences as he sits on numerous agricultural services corporate boards providing a broad perspective of many of the issues facing American agriculture.


  • M.Agr., Agricultural Systems Management, Texas A&M University
  • B.S., Agricultural Systems Management, Texas A&M University